This stand-alone document contains all the information you need to play Exile II: Crystal Souls, a shareware fantasy role-playing game for the Macintosh.
Of special importance is the Registration Form, at the end of this document. You use it to pay for Exile II. Doing so gets you a hard-copy of this documentation and a password that enables you to play the second half of the game. To get to the registration form, click on the button just below...
Registration by credit card is available! For reg. by credit card, call (608) 249-5418.
Upon registration, you will not only receive the Registration Key which enables you to play the full game, but you will also get a printed instruction manual. You will also make it a bit more likely that Exile III will eventually exist.
This menu can also take you to the different sections of this document. To find out where the thing you're looking for, try the table of contents...
New player or having problems?
Read the sections Playing Tips For Beginners, Hints For Getting Started, and Answers To Early Puzzles. These sections will help you learn to play the game, and get past any serious difficulties you may have.
Section 1: About Exile II (below)
1.1 - About this Copy
1.2 - About Shareware
1.3 - Comments and Bugs
1.4 - System Requirements
Section 2: Playing Tips for Beginners
Section 3: Getting Started
3.1 - Starting Quickly
3.2 - Introduction
3.3 - Starting the Game
3.4 - What Is Going On?
3.5 - What is a party?
3.6 - Getting to know your characters
Section 4: The Exile Screen
Section 5: The Exile Menu
Section 6: Getting Around Town
Section 7: Getting Around the Outdoors
Section 8: Killing Stuff
Section 9: Miscellaneous
9.1 - Material Wealth
9.2 - Magic
9.3 - Magic Walls and Barriers
9.4 - Summoned Monsters
9.5 - Credits
Section 10: Mage Spells
Section 11: Priest Spells
Section 12: Hints for Getting Started
Section 13: Answers to Early Puzzles
Section 14: The Exile II Editor
"Exile II: Crystal Souls" and Spiderweb Software are trademarks of Spiderweb Software.
Section 1: About Exile II
1.1 - About this copy:
This is Exile II, a huge, highly-detailed Shareware fantasy role-playing game for the Macintosh. It features over a hundred towns and dungeons, a huge outdoors, many people to talk to and puzzles to solve, and the promise of hour upon hour of fun and consternation.
1.2 - About Shareware:
This program is being distributed and sold under the Shareware concept. This copy should, when you first receive it, contain a copy of the game, support files and documentation. You should be able to play the first third of the game (the first 2 and a half chapters) with full functionality, enough to get a huge taste of the game and a few weekends of play, at least. Should you then decide you like the game and want to purchase it, you can register (i.e. buy) it. You can find out how to do so by selecting “Register Info” from the starting screen. Also, an order form should have come in the folder with the game.
When you register, by mail or phone, you will be asked for the Registration Code you will be given when you select “Register Info.” In return, you will be given a Key (a five digit number), which you can then enter in the game and play the whole thing.
Upon registration, you will also receive a printout of the documentation.
Should you get stuck, there is also a hint booklet available from Fantasoft for $7.
Should you have any questions, problems or comments, contact:
Jeff Vogel
14 Easton Ave. #202
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(908) 545-7552
America Online: SpidWeb
CompuServe: 76463,1521
1.3 - Comments and Bugs:
Any comments and bug reports may be made to the address above. Please do so. We love to hear from you, and any comments can serve to make this game (and possible sequels) better.
1.4 - System Requirements:
Exile II requires a Mac with 256 color Quickdraw, System 7, 2 Megs of free memory, 2.5 Megs of free hard drive space, and a 13” screen. Exile can be played in 16 colors, but the graphics will be very ugly.